BCT offers both a master trust scheme and an industry scheme as our MPF package for Hong Kong's working population as well as our BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan for employers who opt for an ORSO (Occupational Retirement Scheme Ordinance) scheme for their staff.
Master Trust Scheme
BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

Constituent Fund Choices
Multiple Fund Managers
Our MPF schemes offer constituent funds managed by different investment managers that are not affiliated with the BCT Group. This enables us to independently appoint investment managers with diverse investment styles and philosophies to be used in our schemes. For some of the constituent funds, we utilize both active investment strategy and rule-based investment strategy.
Wide Range of Constituent Fund Choices
We have 27 constituent funds under 5 constituent fund categories covering a wide range of investment strategies and risk / return profiles.
Voluntary Contributions
Employers can enhance employees' retirement benefits by making voluntary contributions in line with the company policies on employee compensation.
Individual members can make additional voluntary contributions, by joining the special voluntary contributions or tax deductible voluntary contributions. The features of the 2 types of voluntary contributions suits the various financial needs of individual members.
Please click here to learn more about the product features.
Industry Scheme
BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

BCT (MPF) Industry Choice is created specifically for those working in the catering and construction industries.
Constituent Fund Choices
Multiple Fund Managers
Our MPF schemes offer constituent funds managed by different investment managers that are not affiliated with the BCT Group. This enables us to independently appoint investment managers with diverse investment styles and philosophies to be used in our schemes. For some constituent funds, multi-manager investment approach is even adopted whereby more than one investment managers are appointed for the management of a constituent fund. For further details, please refer to the latest MPF Scheme Brochure. Overall speaking, the use of multiple fund managers allows us to focus on, among others, the service quality of the fund managers through our selection and monitoring process and provides us with the flexibility to replace fund managers independently.
Wide Range of Constituent Fund Choice
12 constituent funds under 3 constituent fund categories with different investment objectives and risk / return profiles which offer members more investment choices.
Voluntary Contributions
Employers can enhance employees' retirement benefits by making voluntary contributions in line with the company policies on employee compensation.
Individual members can make additional voluntary contributions by joining the special voluntary contributions or tax deductible voluntary contributions. The features of the 2 types of voluntary contributions suits the various financial needs of individual members.
Please click here to learn more about the product features.
BCT Premier Pooled ORSO (Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance) Retirement Plan
Multiple Fund Managers
The BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan offer portfolios managed by different investment managers that are not affiliated with the BCT Group. This enable us to independently appoint investment managers with diverse investment styles and philosophies to be used in our Plan. For further details, please refer to the latest explanatory memorandum. Overall speaking, the use of multiple fund managers allows us to focus on, among others, the service quality of the fund managers through our selection and monitoring process and provides us with the flexibility to replace fund managers independently.
Wide Range of Portfolios
A range of portfolios, including a guaranteed fund, covering a wide spectrum of risk profiles and investment returns.
Employers and members can have flexibilities on their investment choice.