I work as a casual employee in the construction / catering industry. Does my employer need to register for me and make contributions?

                                                              If you are aged between 18 and 64 and employed in the construction / catering industry on a day-to-day basis or for a fixed period of less than 60 days, you are classified as a casual employee.
                                                              If your employer uses BCT for your contributions as a casual employee, you need to open a casual employee account and provide details to your employer for the respective contributions.

                                                              If you need to set up a BCT casual employee account, you may:
                                                              • Set up a Causal Employee Account via our “eEnrolment” website, it is easy and convenient.
                                                              • Fill out the Application Form - Casual Employee [AP(CEE)] and Industry Classification Form [IC-I(ALL)] and submit with a copy of your HKID / Passport to our company