The law only requires me to pay a mandatory contribution of 5% of my employee's income. Can I make extra contributions for my employees?

                                                              Yes. You are free to make additional voluntary contributions for your employees.

                                                              Key features of voluntary contributions:
                                                              ‧In general, voluntary contributions are not subject to preservation.
                                                              ‧Voluntary contributions made by you are subject to the vesting scale set out in the provisions of your participation agreement.
                                                              ‧Withdrawal of accrued benefits derived from voluntary contributions is bound by the provisions stipulated in your participation agreement. In general, your employees can withdraw accrued benefits upon cessation of employment with your company.

                                                              If you want to apply, please fill in the form [VC(ER)] and submit to us for handling. Upon successful application, please fill in the amount of voluntary contribution in the remittance statement when making contribution.